During Covid-19, now is the essential time to get comfortable with video. PenFed Realty Texas has many video tools and resources available to you which you will find beneficial in virtually connecting with your clients and sphere.
Connecting via video is a great way to convey emotions, tone and meaning, and provide you an outlet to respect you and/or your clients desire for Social Distancing.
Video will not only help you get your communications to clients, it is also a fantastic way for you to conduct virtual showings of your listings, preview properties for your buyers and also connect with your sphere keeping you top of mind during this unique situation.
Besides the company provided resources of video scripts and the Videolicous Video App (with Teleprompter), another great FREE resource is Facebook Live. The above video will show you how to use Facebook to connect with your followers/friends using their Live feature.
If you would like detailed step-by-step instructions please use the link below.